Tuesday 12 February 2013

assignment 2 ( page 2)

Other explanation on Hedonism as a philosophy defines "the good" in terms of pleasure and pain, and is the worldview that holds to the doctrine that pleasure is the greatest good. Now, who wouldn't define pleasure as good? Aren't we all by this definition Hedonists?. Hedonism indicates a system of thought, a lenses through which to view the universe in which the "summum bonum", the "highest good" of man and the ultimate purpose of his being is found in the enjoyment of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. So what is sought for under this system, constantly and continuously is the increase of pleasure and the decrease of pain.

      The roots of Hedonism can be traced back to the fifth century BC to the ancient Greek school of the Cyrenaics. The Cyrenaics were named after their native city of Cyrene in North Africa. Their focus on the pleasure of the moment as the supreme good reflected a general skepticism: Only immediate sensations can be known. Concern with the past or the future causes uncertainty and anxiety, and should therefore be avoided. Gross excess and reckless abandon in sexuality and the use of alcohol are associated with this particular philosophical principal. Greek religious devotion to the god Dionysius and later Roman celebrations of the Bacchanalia, orgiastic festivals honoring Bacchus, the god of wine are similar manifestations of a Cyrenaic-style Hedonism. In these cases, the celebrant sought liberation from every-day inhibitions and a mystical experience of ecstasy, aided at times by temple prostitutes.

     The Epicurean school of hedonistic philosophy might be looked on as the next stage of Hedonism. Named after its founder, Epicurus, and started around 306 BC, Epicureanism was a more moderate variety of the seeking of pleasure, recognizing the problem of those hedonistic paradox.

The Hedonistic Paradox

      If you don't achieve what is sought, you lose by frustration, if you do achieve what is sought, you lose by boredom. Either way, pleasure is not consistently attained. Therefore Epicureans sought not necessarily the "maximum" pleasure, but instead the "optimum" pleasure, all things considered. Too much wine leads to a hangover, not euphoria. So the balanced enjoyment of pleasure was the means by which Epicureans sought to achieve philosophical ataraxia, or peace of mind. The term "epicurean" is even in use today as denoting a person of exquisite tastes and gourmet palate, enjoying the finer things in life in a refined and sophisticated manner. Hedonism capitalizes on the natural attraction to pleasure and aversion to pain with which we, as feeling creatures, are naturally endowed. Turning the pursuit of pleasure into an ultimate standpoint of value, the hedonist determines the very meaning of "goodness" in terms of pain and pleasure.

      Modern forms of Hedonism can be clearly seen, along with their consequences in our social environment. The modern pursuit of happiness, redefined as the pursuit of euphoria, has resulted in extreme expressions of escapism such as drug abuse and alcoholism affecting even the youngest members of society. "Happiness" has been translated almost exclusively into the category of "feelings". The function of the word "feelings" in contemporary culture has undergone a radical change.

      The concept is so pervasive that standard traditional forms of language, categorical propositions and prefatory statements about theoretical thought have changed to accommodate this word. How often have you heard someone state the following?: "I feel that you are mistaken", or, "I feel that (this or that) is wrong." What is actually being talked about here is not a feeling, it's a cognitive process, it's thinking. That is not to say that feelings are unimportant; feelings are a vital part of what it means to be human. For the work of the physician, counselor or the psychologist feelings are a totally appropriate category to investigate. In inter-personal relationships you'd better be dealing with the issues of feelings or chances are you're not communicating very well. Feeling, however is not the same thing as thinking. The concept has so permeated our culture that people are talking about feeling ideas and feeling thoughts. Largely due to "pop psychology" we have become obsessed with the analysis of our moods, which is a focus on our feelings.

      It is when we buy into the doctrine that life is to be lived to escape pain, including responsibility for anything uncomfortable that we begin to feel the impact of a philosophy of radical Hedonism. By saying the avoidance of pain and the pursuit of pleasure is "the good" (not just 'good', but "The Good"), Hedonism is making a value judgement, which in the hierarchical structure of philosophy produces a system of ethics, which in turn produces behavior patterns of morality.

      These are the cultural, ethical and philosophical reasons for the changes we have seen in society. As in all forms of philosophy based in secularism, Hedonism removes the Transcendent, destroys any Ultimate basis for Truth and Goodness, and leaves us with "feelings", preferences, and a totally subjective basis for ethics and morality.

Refference :


assignment 2 (page 1)

Briefly explain on the secular moral concept of Hedonism:

page 1

There are ancient wisdom that describe the meaning and what is really are Hedonism .In his 1969 book entitled, “It’s a Playboy World,” Bill Banowsky quoted “Life” magazine
as saying “more than forty billion dollars a year are spent on the pursuit of pleasure, an
amount greater than is spent on education and religion combined.” [It’s a Playboy World,
Bill Banowsky, pp. 26-27, 1969.].

Definition of Term “Hedonism” is derived from the Greek word “hedonĂ©” which means “pleasure.”
Hedonism denotes the creed or philosophy that pleasure is or should be the sole end and
aim of human action or conduct. [Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, James Hastings,
ed., Vol. VI, p. 567, 1913]. In other words, hedonism is the philosophy that states pleasure
determines that which is good. Consequently, anything that increases the sum of pleasure
is considered good, and conversely, anything that increases pain is wrong. There are a variety of forms or classes of hedonism. Therefore, it would be helpful to
define these variations that are :

a) “Egotistic Hedonism” – is the philosophy that states whatever brings the individual
pleasure is good and whatever brings the individual pain is bad.

b) “Altruistic Hedonism” or “Utilitarianism” – is the philosophy that states whatever brings
pleasure to the greatest number is good and whatever brings pain to the greatest number
is bad.

c)“Epicureanism” – is the philosophy that states that whatever brings us freedom from pain
is good and whatever brings us pain is bad. However, epicureanism makes a qualitative
distinction between pleasure, stating that pleasures of the mind are greater and of more
value than bodily pleasures.

d) “Eudaimonism” – differs from hedonism in that it states that whatever brings happiness
is good whereas hedonism states that whatever brings pleasure is good.


A Criticism of Hedonism

As a Philosophy to Live by, Hedonism is Insufficient to Answer Fundamental Ethical
Questions. The pursuit of pleasure is not as simple a matter as it may sound on the
surface. There are many ethical questions that must be answered along the way, and
hedonism provides no objective way to ascertain the answers. For instance, one may ask,
“Does one pursue pleasure for self (egotistic hedonism) or does one pursue pleasure for
others (altruistic hedonism)?” Or, to suggest a third alternative, “Is good to be measured
by what is the most pleasurable for both self and others?” The philosophy of hedonism
provides no answer. One could ask, “Is it good to pursue short-range, immediate pleasure
or should one forgo the short-range pleasure to pursue long-range pleasure?” Or, “ Which
is more desirable, ‘quality’ or ‘quantity’ of pleasure?” Again, the philosophy of hedonism
provides no objective moral standard to answer these fundamental questions. Everything
is subjective. Hedonism has no objective way to answer these questions. At best, the one
who asks these questions can only receive the subjective opinions of the one they are

As a Philosophy, Hedonism is Self-Destructive. Rather than what is good being
defined by what is pleasurable, one must sometimes forgo the pleasure to achieve the good. Since one could find little, if any, pleasure at all in having surgery, would the hedonist not feel morally compelled to refuse the surgery? If drug abuse, alcoholism, and smoking brings one pleasure, again, would the hedonist not feel morally compelled to engage in such activities? Eating a steady diet of “junk food” may be pleasurable, but one knows it is not good for him. Taking a spoonful of distasteful medicine is not pleasurable, but it is good. And injecting oneself with insulin is not pleasurable, but for the diabetic, it is good. Hedonism, if followed to its logical end, is self-destructive to its practitioners.

As a Philosophy, Hedonism Justifies Moral Atrocities since Hedonism Affirms that
Ethics Is Individual and Autonomous. Within hedonism, one man’s ceiling is another
man’s floor. What brings a man pleasure (and is thus, good according to hedonism), is
subjective and may and does differ from one person to the next. Upon what moral basis
could a hedonist condemn a child molester who finds pleasure in his actions? Or, how
could a hedonist condemn lying, stealing, cheating, or murder if one finds pleasure in such
activities? Hedonism cannot consistently condemn any action if the practitioner finds
pleasure in it. Imagine the implications of such a philosophy.

In conclusion the philosophy of hedonism is becoming pervasive in our society. Its apparently wide
acceptance is also an explanation for much of the moral decline and degeneracy in our
nation today. Hedonism is a terribly immoral philosophy by which to live, and an even
more reprehensible and tragic philosophy by which to die.

Refference by :

Steve Higginbotham
107 Trappers Trail
Glasgow, KY 42141 

Friday 1 February 2013

Promotion to Rawa Island Resort Mersing, Johor, Malaysia.

Rawa Island Resort    
a dream gateway for those seeking peace and tranquility 

Rawa Islands that dreams are made of, secluded white beaches and palm fringed images which can be found here in Malaysia, to add to the dream blazing sunlight and a cool green, clear lagoon, where fish dart and swim in never ending circles. Visitors on the beach wallowing in the sunlight. Ah! The simple pleasures of Rawa Island is 16 km off Mersing Johor, a gem of an island discovered by the lucky few. Pulau Rawa is truly a paradise island. There are many caves for exploration and offshore coral reefs rich with marine life. 
Rawa Island is an unspoilt coral island, with its white sands and swaying palm trees. The coral garden is teeming with fish and marine life, from coral reef fish to Pelagic fish, a surprise for many people. Giant clams abound, you may see it all but nothing is to be touched. Preservation, conservation, and a marine park to boot, not even dead shells can be taken, so beware look but don't take.
This is the type of place you can leave your cares, worries, your problems behind, just lay back soak it all up, and enjoy the moment, forget the phone, time and all the rigors of town life Live life to the full on "Rawa". 

On Rawa you can find your secluded spot, your new "Power point" to re-energize the soul, while away the hours and feel the energy pouring in.
A number of tiny wooden chalets will be your resting place amongst the palms and flowers. There is a quiet village type tranquility in the place, yes this is the place to detune and get out of gear.
For a change the fully charged holidaymaker might like to try skin-diving on the reef to, see the denizens of the reef up close and personal, feel the thermo clines and see the creatures of the reef.

Note :

  1. All rates are quoted in Ringgit Malaysia ( MYR ) per person.
  2. All rates are quoted with NETT inclusive of 10% service tax & 6% government tax.
  3. A surcharge of MYR 30.00 per adult per night is applicable on eve and Public Holidays in Malaysia & Singapore.
  4. All rates are subject to change without prior notice.
  5. The package(s) quoted are excluding sea sport activities and any other services. 

Booking Condition & Policy :
  1. A full pre-payment is required and non refundable.
  2. Booking can be deferred to anytime within 6 months from the original booking date, subject only to availability by giving us 7 days notice in advance. Only one change of date is allowed. Please contact us for new reservation and confirmation.
  3. Modifying your reservation - please note that a change in the length or dates of your reservation may result in a rate change.
  4. In the event of "No show" or "Early check-out", we will charge for the entire stay.
  5. No refund in full or in part will be made for un-utilized services included in the package.
  6. Please note that children age 12 and above are charged the adult rate. 
  7. We reserve the right to cancel or modify reservation where it appears that a customer has engaged in fraudulent or inappropriate activity or under other circumstances where it appears that reservations contain or resulted from a mistake or error. 

 Prefer to talk?
Telephone: +607-799 1204/ 1205
Fax: +607-799 3848

Read more :  http://www.rawaislandresort.com/rawasfr/index.php


Definition of business ethic :

   Business ethics is the study of  business situations, activities, and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed. In other definition is business ethics are implemented in order to ensure that a certain required level of trust exists between consumers and various forms of market participants with businesses. for example, a portfolio manager must give the same consideration to the portfolios of family members and small individual investors. such practices ensure that the public is treated fairly.
    Business ethics can be defined as a critical examination, studying the behavior and institutional structure in the world trade. Specifically, it involves examining appropriate constraints in the pursuit of self-interest, or the profits of a firm when the actions of individuals or firms to influence others.
Read more : http://kalyan-city.blogspot.com/2011/09/what-are-business-ethics-meaning.htm
                  : http://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/business-ethics.asp#axzz1bcu1wUeR
                  : http://www.businessethics.ca/definitions/business-ethics.html

     Why business ethic considered to oxymoron :

   By oxymoron, we mean the bringing together of two apparently contradictory concepts like cheerful pessimist or deafening silence. An oxymoron that  the juxtaposition of contradictory words or concepts. that is what we have with the term "business ethics". the very contradiction that is inherent in this latter phrase is an indication of the challenge that individuals who work for organizations face as we all approach the resource limits of this planet.
Read more :  http://ezinearticles.com/?Business-Ethics---An-Oxymoron&id=14314

Definition corporate governance :

—          Corporate governance is the processes and structure by which business and affairs of corporate sector is directed and managed. corporate governance is "the system by which companies are directed and controlled". It involves regulatory and market mechanisms, and the roles and relationships between a company’s management, its board, its shareholders and other stakeholders, and the goals for which the corporation is governed. lately, corporate governance has been comprehensively defined as "a system of law and sound approaches by which corporations are directed and controlled focusing on the internal and external corporate structures with the intention of monitoring the actions of management and directors and thereby mitigating agency risks stemming from the devious deeds of these corporate officers
       Read more : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_governance
